
James Phillip Arnold's Church of God History Research Tour

I was at AC from Fall 66 through Fall 70 and on to Pasadena for the last semester 71.  Then I drove to Stanberry with Everett for my graduation gift:  the Traditional Grand Tour Europa. 

Well, Grand Tour Sardiscus.  Left Philadelphia Big Sandy, drove to Enid Oklahoma and dropped in unexpectedly on a family of Sabbatarians who ran the Sabbath Sentinel, named the Burrells.  Come to find out that Mrs. Burrell was the granddaughter of Samuel Davison who was the link between SDBaptists and Church of God 7 back about 1850 to 70.  Then drove up to Samuel Davison’s grave in Iowa  and photographed the link that connected Philadelphia to Sardis without going through the swamp of SD Adventism! 

Then went through Des Moines, Iowa and drove to the street where Mr. HWA was born/lived; house torn down.  Then up to Berrien Springs, Michigan to Andrews University to find the 1860 hymnal and copy the page that said by Church of God! 

Then over to Madison Wisconsin to see the University there, and then a few miles more to Milton to see Milby(?) College where the Journal of Samuel Hubbard was kept; saw the original of this 17 century Rhode Island Sabbatarian Baptist and confirmed that he wrote of German Palatinate Sabbatarian colony from England led by circumciser Thomas Tillam; Hubbard mentioned one of them by name who  came to Long Island to live. 

Then drove south to Nashville to make it in time to hear GTA’s LISTEN AMERICAN opening night.  Then back to Texas.  The Grand Tour of a lifetime. 

And guess what?  I have our own diary notes made during or immediately after than trip!  Must dig them out someday